
My name is Becky, and I'm an artist living in Bath, UK. I have been interested in all things artistic since I was a kid! After a detour studying astrophysics and working as a software developer, I decided that my first instincts were right - and I started to call myself an artist.

My medium of choice varies! I am interested in all kinds of tools and art forms - traditional art, digital art, 3D modelling, animation.

My art is influenced by the fantasy and sci-fi stories I grew up reading (such as His Dark Materials, Dune, The Matrix, The Moomins), as well as my eternal love for nature. I want to instill that feeling of wonder I get when I think about the vastness of space, or the magic of a fantasy world, into my art.

I hope I can share this feeling with you and make the mundane seem more mystical in your life.

Feel free to email me or connect on social media!